Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sweet Cream Cheese Covered Moments

This morning while ZS was watching her Backyardigans I fixed myself some coffee and a bagel. Those of you who know me well know that I loooove tons of cream cheese on my bagels. After settling into my chair at the kitchen table the baby came trotting over to see what I was having. Now, those of you who know ZS well know that she also loooooves cream cheese. She asked for a bite of my bagel and after discovering there were mounds of cream cheese to be had she promptly asked to sit in my lap. After swallowing the first bite she eyed my bagel, picked out the part with the most cream cheese, and pointed at it as if to indicate that was the exact spot her next bite should come from. Of course I obliged and after taking the coveted bite she leaned her head on my chest, said "mmmmm", looked up and gave me a cream cheese covered kiss, and layed her head back against my chest. I love her so much it makes me ache sometimes!

ZS also had her first bubble bath today. I have been feeling badly that she has out grown her bathtub toys so while at Wal-Mart today I scoured the toy section. Coming up short I pushed the cart over to the bath section. At the end of the isle I saw it......Mr. Bubble! After carefully choosing the fragrance free variety (poor baby inherited Colin's sensitive skin) I mentally patted myself on the back in advance for the fun it would provide during tonight's bath.

She did indeed love it and had us tell her over and over again what it was and even let Colin take smiling pictures of her!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Furniture Playground

Today Zoe Scout decided to use the arm of the couch as a slide. The slide is always her favorite part of any playground so I guess it should have been no surprise that she would find one in our house!

Luckily, Colin ordered her a slide for the backyard a couple of days ago.......I can't wait to see how excited she is going to be!

I got a couple of cute smiles today. I am hoping this marks the end of the eye close smile she has been giving for the last year!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

23 Months Going On 16

ZS loves to pretend to talk on the phone. Normally she brings the phone to me, holds the phone to my ear, and I say something like... "Oh, hi Mimi! How are you? Yes, Zoe Scout is fine. Ok, I'll tell her." Then ZS pulls the phone away from my ear and I say..... "Zoe Scout, Mimi says she loves you."

She very much enjoys this game and all her grandparents and great-grandparents "call" multiple times a day.

This particular day she took her phone, and after getting herself situated just right on top of the couch cushions she proceeded to make her own phone calls.

She looked like a teenage girl. It kinda reminded me of the girls in the "Telephone Song" from "Bye, Bye, Birdie".

Some days she seems so old!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


August has been full of many "happenings" soooooooo here we go......

Learning To Sleep In A Big Girl Bed
Zoe Scout has been sleeping in her pack-n-play since we have been living in our new house. We had planned to move her to the big girl bed when we moved but she started taking off her diaper and I was not going to have a half-nuda baby running around her room unsupervised. We finally learned from a friend to tape her diaper shut.

One morning I went into her room and somehow she had gotten her jammies off and her diaper off. Her pack-n-play was so soaked with tinkle that I assume she slept the whole night without a diaper on.

We could not get the mattress clean so we had to move her to the big girl bed out of necessity. The first day was quite a struggle. It took me three hours to get her to take a nap but eventually she passed out on the end of her bed. I was able to stick my camera through the door and take a couple of pictures.

Since then things have become progressively better with sleep time. She seems to really like her bed and is now sleeping on her pillow.

The Importance Of Sweet Bun
I am sure you have noticed a certain pink bunny makes it into many pictures on this blog. Her name is Sweet Bun. ZS doesn't go anywhere without her and actually uses her as a pillow. She is starting to get very worn.....not only from all the "love" but from the trips through the washing machine and dryer about once a month. I hope when the time comes to replace her it is not a traumatic experience.

Seeing The Gecko Once Again
Here he is again! I found him in the front hall and I was able to show ZS. She was really excited and started making barking noises at it! Since this time the gecko has escaped our house but Colin told me that he saw a couple of new ones last week so I am keeping my eyes open.....

Back To The Drawing Board
Bunnie gave ZS a drawing table. It has been so great! We put it in the kitchen and it provides a much needed distraction for her while I am cooking. As you can see, she likes to put the colored pencils down her shirt!

Colin's New Guitar
Colin just bought a new guitar and I am not sure what makes it so special (I just don't know that much about guitars) but I do know it is a fun color. The day it came he was so excited that he postponed some of his lessons to come home and open his package! ZS thought it was great too. She especially liked the case!

As Long As It Involves Cheese......
she will normally scarf it down. However, this day she was skeptical of her first homemade grilled cheese sandwich.

Backyardigans Snuggle Time With Daddy
ZS gets to watch only one television show called Backyardigans. Sometimes Colin will lounge on the couch while I make breakfast and the baby watches her show. This particular morning she decided to lounge with her daddy.

We had a birthday party for Bunnie and ZS made the dessert rounds to almost everyone in the room! She seemed to really like chocolate cake and ice cream.

Playing At Mimi And Grandpa's
Mimi has these great plastic wilderness animals and ZS has a great time playing with them. She does however seem to reject any of the ones that have antlers....she just throws them on the floor!

Any high heels are free game for this child!

Washington DC Day 3
On our 3rd day in our nation's capitol we decided to drive to Monticello which was the home of Thomas Jefferson. The grounds and the house are beautiful.

This is the back side of the house. Jefferson's bedroom is on the bottom floor on the right hand side.

This is the only structure still standing from the slave's quarters. It overlooks the gardens.

This is the Jefferson family cemetery. The headstone is Jefferson's. His wife and oldest daughter are also buried under it. I thought it was really neat that Jefferson's ancestors are still buried here to this day.

Washington DC Day 4
Our last full day was spent at Mount Vernon which was George Washington's home. It was even more impressive then Monticello the day before.

Here I am in one of the flower gardens. Behind me is the greenhouse. Washington had many foreign diplomats bring him exotic flower seeds. His gardener would grow the flowers in the greenhouse to learn how to take care of them and then they would be planted in the garden. The garden is currently being excavated so the original pathways placed by Washington can be restored.

This is the front of Washington's house. His bedroom is on the second floor all the way to the right. The interesting thing is that his bedroom still contains the bed he and his wife, Martha, slept in and he died in.

This was the original vault Washington was buried in. In his will he asked that a new vault be built and 3 yrs after his death he and all the family members in the old vault were moved to the new one.

This is the new vault. In the first picture you can see Martha Washington's white casket. George Washington's is to the right.

We went on a cruise of the Potomac River. This is the view of Mount Vernon from the river.

Here I am sitting on the back lawn of Mount Vernon. This back porch was one of Washington's last additions to the house.

Well....that's it. I am not sure I have the energy to add anymore so it is a good thing I have come to the end of my August pictures!