Here I am in the rotunda.....the Gutenberg Bible is located on the 1st floor to my left.

The Supreme Court building was next to the Library so we headed there next. Unfortunately the courtroom was closed today so we just toured the building.

Next was the National Archives. It has many important documents including the Declaration of Independence (see below), the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Magna Carta, and the Emancipation Proclamation.

It was time for lunch so we headed to Union Station for a bite to eat. We decided on a diner called Johnny Rockets.

Here I am eating a chili-cheese very first one.

Outside Union Station....this is a replica of the Liberty Bell.

Due to the rain yesterday we had to see the Washington Monument today.

Then it was on to the Lincoln Monument.

Here we are on the steps of the Lincoln Monument with the Washington Monument behind us.