Monday, April 28, 2008

Four Legs Make A Table But Five Make An Atrocity

Playing at the park by our house.

Pretending that the wood chips are food. She is saying mmmmmm to tell me how good they are.

I think they are the two cutest people I have ever seen!

Fun times......two cups and some Craisins!

ZS is still playing with Easter eggs. Here is a pic she took of her foot and the eggs! She loves the camera!

Playing with placemats.

Remember what I said about messes with yogurt?

Props to my husband for the random title!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

All American Girl

So, what is more all-American then a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? When I tried to explain it to her she was not buying it.....

We have had to wait for certian milestones to give Zoe Scout some foods (strawberries, honey, milk, etc). 18 Months was the milestone for peanuts. I thought we should celebrate her 1 1/2 birthday with a pb&j (strawberry jelly, of course, none of that grape nonsense!). She turned her nose up to it at first but then, in typical kiddo fashion, she tore off the crusts and it became a little more enticing.

She has since warmed up to the pb&j however, just like her mommy, she has to have it her way. Creamy peanut butter, no crust, strawberry jelly, all smashed down, and cut into bite-sized pieces.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cute To The Max

Grandpa's Birthday Party
I love time spent with the family and birthdays are no exception! Geoff (Grandpa) had a birthday last week and so we had a great family dinner and spent time playing games.

We had Thai food for dinner and we were so impressed when Zoe Scout cast aside her fork and picked up chop sticks. With much coaching from Daddy she actually figured out how to "use" them and got most of her Pad Thai down the hatch!

Mimi made a great cake, completely from scratch I might add. It was so good even I partook in the chocolate icing!

After dinner and cake we proceeded to the living room for Zoe Scout's favorite video. I am not sure what it is called but it is children singing and dancing to Gospel tunes. She was so tired she couldn't even muster the strength to sit up.

Of course Zoe Scout wanted to play bubbles with Mimi. Mimi is hands down the best bubble blower. I am not sure how she gets so many bubbles out of one wand full of syrup but she is truly gifted!

I have known from the git-go that ZS loves anything that is contained in the dairy section of the food pyramid but things are starting to get a little out of hand. Yogurt has quickly become her favorite food. It is part sweet and part fun for her. She has officially entered the world of utensils and loves feeding herself, smearing all over herself, and dumping yogurt anywhere she can get it. I try to hold off her yogurt craving until right before bath time.

If there are shoes left out in the house....especially mine.....the baby will put them on and walk circles around the house. She is always so proud!

Baby Model
Ok, not really, but aren't these cute!