Sunday, August 12, 2007

Little Swimmer

This is a couple of days worth of pictures.

This is Friday.
You can always tell when Colin dresses ZS for the day. This Beatles t-shirt is his very favorite outfit. I do have to admit that she is so cute in it but I think the shirt's days are numbered as it is becoming very tight around her belly. I guess we will have to find some bigger Beatles wear!

Here are Colin and ZS sitting together. She can hardly resist laughing when dad is doing the tickling!

The rest of the pictures are from Saturday.

Saturday we celebrated my mom's birthday with her friends at Kiln' Time. It is a really fun place were you can paint pottery and then they fire and glaze it for you. Here is mom opening her presents. She got this new apron and one of her friends told us that the new hip thing to do is wear your cute aprons over leggings or jeans as a fashion statement! Interesting.

Here are all my mom's friends that came and one adoring daughter. Zoe Scout was not able to come to the party but she was able to spend time with her other grandparents, Mimi and Pop!

Here is ZS wearing her party skirt. Colin's aunt Barb and her family sent her this skirt and it was the first time she was able to fit into it!

Later on in the day we went to a going away party for our friends Angela and Ben Scarborough. Angela and I have been friends for about 10 years and they are our favorite couple friends. I have to admit that I woke up a couple of times last night really sad that they are leaving this week for Indiana. It is one of those situations were you are excited for the next chapter in your loved ones lives but you mourn the loss of nearby friends. We are hoping that the move is not permanent. They are also expecting a baby in March so selfishly I want to see little baby Scarborough grow up.

Here is ZS in a floaty in the pool at the party.

Ben and Angela were nice enough to swim with Zoe Scout since Colin and I forgot our suits. I even forgot Zoe Scout's swimsuit so she got to swim with just a swim diaper.

Here is Colin (all you can see is his hand) showing Scout how to splash water on the side of the pool.

Angela used to be a lifeguard so she was all about getting Scout swimming. ZS has been in pools before but I think she enjoyed this time the best.

The little girl in the red bikini behind Zoe was her favorite playmate for the day. Her name is Madeline and she is just a month younger then ZS. They had a great time talking to each other and reading a book together with ladybugs on it.

After she finally got out of the pool she was exhausted but had enough energy for one more smile for daddy.

1 comment:

Nana Phyllis said...

Great pics! Loved the Beatles shirt and Colin's long hair...congrats on her steps, too! We had some great street tacos for y'all!