Thursday, August 9, 2007

The World's Newest Walker

My daughter walks!!!! And not just 3 steps but a whole coffee table length. We were over at my mom's house yesterday and Zoe Scout walked from her Bunny (my mom) to her mommy. We were so excited and she did it over and over again. Several times she even clapped after making the trip in order to congratulate herself. She was irresistably cute. Colin was able to get video of it on his phone, so enjoy! The video does have sound if you have speakers.

These are some more pictures from my parent's house. The ones in the white shirt were more then a week ago and the ones in the yellow shirt are from yesterday. The first one is Scout with her Bunny. If you can enlarge the one of her sitting in the hall you will be in for a great picture. It is one of my favorite pictures of her ever.

Zoe Scout is holding Rammie in this picture. She loves this stuffed ram because her uncle Miles (my brother) gave it to her. For those of you who don't know or don't remember, Rammie was one of Miles' most prized possessions when we were growing up. He was "loved" so much that he had to have a couple of sets of stiches. It is really neat that my sweet brother would give my daughter one of his favorite childhood toys!

These pics are from today. ZS had spaghetti for lunch and proceeded to smear it all over her face. It even ended up on the back of her neck and behind her ears. She just can't resist wiping that yummy food all over her arms and face! I hope they aren't too blurry!

Zoe Scout enjoyed her new found freedom so much today. She was walking every chance she got! People kept telling me that I shouldn't wish for the day she walked but I am so thrilled. It warms my heart when she learns something new and is just as excited about it as we are.

1 comment:

Rach said...

She is so stinkin' proud of herself, isn't she?!? I bet that made Bunny's day, too!