Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sweet Cream Cheese Covered Moments

This morning while ZS was watching her Backyardigans I fixed myself some coffee and a bagel. Those of you who know me well know that I loooove tons of cream cheese on my bagels. After settling into my chair at the kitchen table the baby came trotting over to see what I was having. Now, those of you who know ZS well know that she also loooooves cream cheese. She asked for a bite of my bagel and after discovering there were mounds of cream cheese to be had she promptly asked to sit in my lap. After swallowing the first bite she eyed my bagel, picked out the part with the most cream cheese, and pointed at it as if to indicate that was the exact spot her next bite should come from. Of course I obliged and after taking the coveted bite she leaned her head on my chest, said "mmmmm", looked up and gave me a cream cheese covered kiss, and layed her head back against my chest. I love her so much it makes me ache sometimes!

ZS also had her first bubble bath today. I have been feeling badly that she has out grown her bathtub toys so while at Wal-Mart today I scoured the toy section. Coming up short I pushed the cart over to the bath section. At the end of the isle I saw it......Mr. Bubble! After carefully choosing the fragrance free variety (poor baby inherited Colin's sensitive skin) I mentally patted myself on the back in advance for the fun it would provide during tonight's bath.

She did indeed love it and had us tell her over and over again what it was and even let Colin take smiling pictures of her!


Miss Mommy said...

LOVE all the new posts- she is so cute- I feel like I've said that before...anyway, I was told bubbles could cause problems for girls, so I used the normal bath soap and just ran it under the water and we didn't have any problems...just FYI...

Colin Parr said...

I know how you feel... she's so great! I love both of you very much.

Rach said...

Cream cheese kisses...so cute! She is so like her mommy in so many ways.

Haley said...

I just smile...

at your love for you little girl and her cream-cheese kiss.

and bubbles make you a fun mommy. score for you. :)

Mike + Stacey Duncan said...

you just have the most adorable little girl! i just love looking at all the pics you post of her! what a great mommy you are!