Tuesday, August 28, 2007

30 Days Until......

........The new season of THE OFFICE!!!! I am so excited! If you have not been watching this show for the last 3 seasons, where have you been???? It is pure genius and I am now counting down the days until season 4 starts. I want Pam and Jim to get together so badly but I know that if they do it may spell the end of the show and I just can't have that! Needless to say, I will be glued to the tube on Thurs Sept 27 at 8:00 to see how Pam and Jim's first date goes!!!!

Today was actually a rather boring day. Normally I go to the office in the morning but because my car is still in Waco (no word yet on the diagnosis) I worked from home. While I do love not getting out of bed until 6:00 (normally it is 4:45) I am feeling a little bit of cabin fever. The baby was kinda moody this afternoon also....hope I didn't pass on my fever to her.

All of the things that normally live in my car for the baby are now piled in the dining room. The strollers, pack-n-play, car seat, sassy seat, and cart covers make a new and fun jungle gym for ZS. She dragged around her cart seat cover for most of the afternoon and once she finally got it unrolled it became a mat to lay down on so she could sing to herself. In case you don't know what a cart seat cover is, it is the cover I put on the grocery store carts so she has something to play with. It has toys that hang off of it and a pillow that fits behind her back to bolster her since she so small. My cousin Jennifer gave it to ZS for Christmas last year and it has definitely been one of the best gifts (in my opinion) that she has gotten.

These are just some randoms. My batteries on the camera died so there are not many pictures today....Sorry!

Also of note......My precious baby will be 11 months old on Sunday....how time flies!

1 comment:

Rach said...

Thanks for the comment. I do know that song and love it, too!