Monday, August 20, 2007

Talent Times Two

I would like to start off by apologizing for not blogging in more then a week. Things at our house have been pretty crazy however I know that is not a good enough excuse.

Let me start this post off with this super cute picture of Zoe. She does love stuffed animals and the bigger the better (within reason of course). One of her favorite things to do is hug them under her chin with a big smile on her face. Check out those eyelashes!

Here is the first part of the "talent" spoken of in the title.

Now that ZS has started eating LOTS of solid food I have discovered that store-bought baby food is expensive. It is about 75 cents a jar and she eats somewhere between 6 and 8 jars a day. That figures out to about $5.25 a day and about $150 a month. Colin, understandably, also has reservations about how much sugar is in store-bought baby food. I decided that I could find a cheaper and healthier way to feed my baby. I didn't have any instructions so I thought the most logical thing to do was steam the veggies and then puree them in the Cuisinart. It turned out to be a pretty messy process but well worth it. After cooking and pureeing the food I poured it into ice cube trays and stuck them in the freezer. Now whenever it is time to eat I just pop the food out and heat it up. It works great!

This is the very first batch I made. Carrots on the left, apricots in the middle, and squash on the right. I also made corn on the first day. I am so proud of myself!

Here is Scout trying out my homemade baby food for the first time. After getting over the difference in texture she decided it was pretty good and especially liked the corn. Colin even had a hard time resisting the corn and sneaked bites between Zoe's.

That's it for my on to my baby's!

Colin and I have decided that amongst other things our baby it becoming a musical genius. She discovered that she could reach the piano keys this week and wants to play multiple times a day now. Colin says that he thinks she grasps the concept of the high and low notes and where they are on the piano. I am already having visions of Colin and ZS jamming together when she gets older.

Some other points of interest from this week:

1. Monday August 13th was our 2-year wedding anniversary! It seems like just yesterday we were walking down the isle after being pronounced man and wife. We are constantly amazed how much our lives have changed in the last two years.

2. Zoe Scout has become quite adept at climbing the stairs. She now loves to go up the stairs and play in her room with the plastic kitchen (so my daughter). It does however mean that the 5-second walk to the kitchen from the living room just to put something up can no longer be done. She can move as fast as lightening over to the stairs and be up 3 before you get back to the room.


Rach said...

I'm very impressed with both your talents! How pretty are the trays of baby food! I'm sure that, being her parents' daughter, ZS will be picking out a Beatles tune any day now! Or maybe Peter, Paul and Mary?

Miss Mommy said...

Great job on the food! I did that, too, and it's a big money-saver! We id all veggies and fruits, even avocado, which she still loves (so my baby!). Anyway, love ZS's fondness for piano playing and the kitchen...we did miss the Baylor bandana in Mexico- however, yesterday I saw a girl in green and gold and thought of you!