Monday, August 6, 2007

Hello World!!!

Well, I am diving into the wonderful world of blogging. After getting some help with the setup I am now doing my first post. Yea, me! I would like to give a disclaimer up front.....In real life I am reserved about singing the praises of my precious daughter so as to never make anyone feel uncomfortable. I am releasing myself from that restraint in this venue, after all, a mom does need a place to be completely honest about her baby's genius. Please allow me the privilege of telling you how incredible God's tiny little gift to me is!!!

Let the bragging begin!!!

Zoe Scout is now 10 mos old (how time flies) and is more interesting then ever! She took her very first steps on Monday July 30 and of course I was thrilled that they were toward me and icing on the cake was that my mom was there to see it too! I should add that the steps were actually an effort to obtain a favorite doll that her Mimi (Colin's mom, Sue) bought for her.

Zoe Scout loves meal time. This is my friend Rachael (her blog has a link on my page if you are interested) feeding Scout today. Among her favorite things to eat is squash, prunes, and blueberry buckle dessert. We have also discovered that she seems to have an international palate because she scarfs down Pad Thai, Spaghetti, and Guacamole. Zoe Scout's new favorite trick is to rock back and forth really hard in her high chair when she gets to the fruit part of her meal.

During meal time she also likes to play "so big". It is a game which consists of her raising her arms and us saying "soooooo biiiiiiig" in a sing-song voice.

She does have two teeth on the bottom and as much as I tried to get a clear picture of them...this was the best I could do. Look really closely!

Zoe Scout is also learning how to drink out of a sippy cup. The pediatrician told us at the 9 mos appointment that she can no longer have a bottle after one year and I am so on board with that! I am tired of dragging bottles and formula around with us everywhere.

Zoe often picks a "toy of the day" and apparently today's is unused diapers. You would think with all the fun things she has that it would be an actual toy.

Scout loves books, especially Curious George books. Colin bought her an alphabet one and after hearing me say the letters several times a day while reading the book she took it upon herself to sit down with the book and read it. With every page she turned she made a singular sound like ma, da, or ga which was not the one corresponding to the letter, but still impressive.

Well, this ends my first post I hope you enjoyed!!! Please check back often to see new pics and info!


Colin Parr said...

Looks great, Sar! Thanks for doing this. Love you!

Lisa said...

Keep adding new pics on a regular basis. Love the commentary, too. Especially love the Cuda.


Rach said...

You did it! I like the new name, too. Can't wait to see more pictures!

Carley said...

I love the blog sarah! Super cute!

John Holmes said...

Certainly a fun way to keep up.
God Bless,

Uncle John