Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Cabinet Fun

Well, I have successfully blogged two days in a row now. ZS was so much fun today. She was in a great mood because she had 2 really long naps even though Colin said she got up early this morning (for those of you who are wondering, I work from 6:30-10:00 in the morning) and didn't take her first nap of the day.

This is one of Zoe Scout's favorite games. There is a very tall empty cabinet in the kitchen that doesn't shut all the way. There is enough of a gap that ZS can wedge her fingers in and fling the door open. She then crawls around behind it and pushes it shut. She also had a great time spreading Colin's business cards all over the kitchen floor!

If you can enlarge this photo you totally need to check out the length on these eyelashes!!! Every southern girl needs a great set of lashes!

I have started limiting in-house pacifier time. I only let her have her pacifiers when she is in her crib for a couple of reasons. The most important reason is that I am dying for her to talk and I think that if she is constantly sucking on a pacifier then she won't be encouraged to develop her speech. This does however lead to her substituting with other toys. She crawled around for several hours today chewing on her pacifier connector. She even carried it over to the window while she was looking for and calling to the dogs. Doesn't that smile just melt your heart?

This doesn't happen very often but I was able to sneak into Scout's room unheard after she woke up from her nap. She was "reading" Runaway Bunny. It has great colorful pictures and she loves to point at the bunny on the pages and talk in a high pitched voice. Of course as soon the flash went off she was standing up and ready for some delicious food!! Notice the super cute bedding. My friend Rachael's mom made this especially for my beautiful little girl. She has the best time talking to the little girls on her bumpers!

I do have to tell you the highlight of my day. When ZS was a little baby she loved to be cuddled and she always wanted to be snuggled up next to someone special. Now that she is older and capable of more then just sleeping and eating she is too busy to worry about what I call "lovey time" with me. Today, however, before her nap she had a bottle and wanted to sit with me after. She even let me carry her like a baby up to her crib while she struggled to keep her eyes open. I am constantly amazed at the amount of unending love a parent can have. I adore my baby!!!

1 comment:

Rach said...

Wow...I'm loving all the shout-outs! She seems to be looking particularly cute today!