Monday, February 4, 2008

"These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things"

Dinner at Rosa's Cafe

Zoe Scout and cousin Kendall
Kendall was so nice to let Zoe Scout play with her phone.

Super Cute Baby!!!!

Dancing in Bunnie's kitchen.

After the big "Christmas Dress Photo Shoot" we let her get in her pj's and she rummaged through the tupperware cabinet.

Christmas with the Bate Family
On Christmas morning we opened presents with my family. BTW my New Year's resolution was to get rid of all that yucky baby weight.

After opening all the presents Zoe Scout was clamoring for some Christmas morning breakfast.

Christmas with the Parr Family
Both of Colin's grandmothers were able to come to Texas for Christmas so we had a great time celebrating with them the day after Christmas!

Zoe Scout was very free with the kisses!

Dinner at Rainforest Cafe
ZS has developed a love/hate relationship with lemons. Super cute pics of her making sour faces.

And Finally......Today
Good Morning!

Ok......So this doesn't happen very often but I caught ZS touching the VCR this morning. She loves to make the DVD drive open and close. When I told her "no" she turned around and was so cute that I couldn't be upset.

Need I mention again....Zoe loves jewelry. She has recently discovered the joy of rings!

Besides the grocery store, Target is the store we go to the most often and ZS always wants to stop and play on the big red balls in front. I never let her because 98% of the time it is just the two of us but since Colin was with us today she got some climb time. She makes this face every time there is a big gust of wind.

I couldn't believe it when I asked ZS to smile for the camera and she did it! It resulted in some of the best smiles I have ever seen!

I have a friend who has a little girl who is a few months older then ZS and my friend talks about a kid's show called "Backyardigans". Colin just bought me a Tivo so I have been recording them (pre-screening of course) and letting her watch them. She loves the singing and dancing and tries to imitate the steps and hand motions. While not dancing to the music she likes to watch from her Elmo chair that she got for Christmas.

A sure sign "quiet time" is needed.

I am sorry for all the font size and color craziness....I am not sure what happened and I couldn't fix apologies. :)


Colin Parr said...

She is so cute!!! I love the new pictures. I'm glad you're back to blogging after a short sabbatical! I love both of you very much.

Rach said...

Hallelujuah! New pictures!!!!! Welcome back to blogworld! These pictures are reminding me of how long it's been since I've seen her, though...we need to remedy that.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! What a little ham! Her hair is longer AND she has gotten bigger! I can't believe it! She has gotten way more expressive!

Miss Mommy said...

I was about to give up on your blog! She is so cute- love all the kisses and cute expressions...seems she has some personality! ;)