Monday, May 19, 2008

Daddy's Girl

After Colin heard about the fun time ZS and I had getting ice cream at the square he wanted to go with us the next time. On Saturday Colin came home early, we jumped in the car and headed to the ice cream parlor. ZS was not really into the ice cream that day.....I think she has more of a "salty tooth" then a "sweet tooth" (just like her mommy).

After the rejection of the Apple Pie Ice Cream she spotted the pansies again.

Colin began chasing ZS around the flower bed which resulted in...........................

.......................hide and seek!!!!

Then there was climbing up and down the courthouse steps! Daddy was so patient and went up and down about 20 times.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yogurt As Hair Gel

Yesterday morning Zoe Scout got some yogurt in her hair at breakfast. When I cleaned her up I tried to wipe the yogurt out of her hair and ended up with quite a hair-do. It dried as hard as hair gel.

After a bath and a nap we went over to Bunnie's and ZS played outside even though it was sprinkling.

It cracks us up when she runs around with her tongue hanging out like this.

She loves sticks. One of the first tasks when she gets outside is to find a suitable stick. She had a great time digging in one of Coach's tree pots. When she got a little mud on the end she would pretend to feed it to me.

I am not really sure when her "smile" morphed into this face but I still want to kiss it every time!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

We got to spend Mother's day with the Parrs this year. After church we had lunch together, opened presents, and played around. Zoe Scout loves to water Mimi's flower beds.

Geoff got a game table for his birthday about a month ago and there was an incredibly fierce Foosball tournament.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Who Makes The Most Delicious Mashed Potatoes On The Planet?

If you answered any name other then "Sarah Elizabeth Parr" you are a very misguided and mashed potato deprived person. In case you are not convinced I have several points for you to consider.

1. It is the recipe I am asked for most often.
2. It is a melding of several family "secrets".
3. Whenever I take them as a dish to events I NEVER bring any back home.
4. My kiddo eats 4 bowl-fulls in one sitting, eventually resorting to scooping them with her hands so she doesn't miss any!
5. And finally, my husband claims I could open a restaurant, serve only mashed potatoes, and I would have a huge hit on my hands.

I rest my case!

Apple Pie Ice Cream
Today Zoe Scout and I took a trip to the ice cream parlor on the square. It was such a hot day and she was so very sweet during our errands that I figured she deserved it. We went in and she was fascinated by the fun colors of the ice cream. I chose apple pie ice cream for her and after paying tried to give her a bite. She promptly refused by closing her eyes and saying "no, no, no"! I offered again and she just barely let me slip a little past her pursed lips. She immediately started signing for more. We decided to go across the street and sit under a shade tree to finish the ice cream. After finishing the sweet treat she spotted a near by flower bed and had to investigate.

Eventually she wandered right into the flower bed.

After properly inspecting the flowers she moved on to climbing up and down the courthouse steps. I figure she was just getting familiar with legal buildings as she will undoubtedly have a brilliant career in law. She is already great at building a case and getting any verdict she desires from her daddy.