Here are Colin and Zoe Scout getting ready to leave for the park.
Zoe will imitate just about any face Colin makes.
Kicking the pumpkin around.
This is when she started to become disinterested in the process.
Sorry these pictures are blurry, but it was the only time she touched the pumpkin before......
.......she took off running around the park.
On our way home we ran into my parents who hung around for a few minutes.
Well, today we had another spaghetti meal and even though the pictures aren't as good because Colin wasn't home, I still felt the need to take and post them.
She greatly enjoyed the sausage and picked out every piece first.
Picking the food up with her fingers became too frustrating and so she resorted to shoving handfuls in to her mouth.
This picture was so disgusting that I had to include it.....notice the milk drip. Apparently there is nothing better then milk with Italian food - she drank a record 4 cupfuls!
Once she figured out she could not wipe the sauce off her arms and hands she became upset.
We promptly proceeded to the bathtub where she tried to "catch" the water coming out of the facet. Even after much scrubbing, I think she still smelled a little tomatoey. Oh well, she had a good time!
Whoever took those pictures at the park sure is a great photographer...
I LOVE these pictures! She looks so cute. And the ones of her and Colin at the very beginning...priceless! the Bam-Bam ponytail!
I just stopped by the blog for a "few" minutes. No time to stay; much to do and so little time...
Great Park Pics Colin.
All my love.
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