Thursday, September 13, 2007

May I Please Have An Order Of Cute With A Side Of Ponytails?

How incredibly cute is she? I can't get over her precious face. Has a baby as beautiful ever existed....I think not! Best of all her personality is just as sparkling as her smile!

Was that enough verbal love? Scout's hair has started to get pretty long so this morning during breakfast I decided that I would pull it up. It had super cute results!

There is a little door in the front hall of our house that looks like it is straight out of Alice and Wonderland. It leads to a cubby underneath the stairs and the door knob is much lower then normal ones. As you can see in the picture she can reach the knob and normally her hand doesn't even get close. Now that she has figured out what a door knob is for she wants really badly to open the door. I am thinking that it might have to become her special, secret toy storage closet when she gets older.

Having now conquered the regular stairs Zoe Scout seems determined to climb the other set in our house.........

...........which as you can see from the picture below this scares me. Colin's office is at the top of these stairs and the sound of Daddy's voice is sometimes more then she can take. She just sits at the bottom until she thinks I am not looking and then tries to climb up. Of course I grab her immediately and tell her "no" to which she replies with a loud wail. I hate to see her cry but the alternative is even worse.

If you haven't reached your cute quotient yet I suggest you go back up to the top and look at the first picture again!


Rach said...

The first picture is too incredibly cute - I love it!

Miss Mommy said...

I concur with Rach...adorable! Start training her NOW that we do not under any circumstance pull out the ponytails...

Love the stairs from hell...we have similar ones...

Miss Mommy said...

Wait just a second!!! Who is Jeb and where is Chloe?!