Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cheerios, Cherrios Everywhere But Not An "O" To Eat

Zoe Scout and I spent the day on Friday with Rachael. We were running around Frisco shopping for winter clothes for ZS. One of our stops was Target where we got a box of Cheerios for the baby to snack on. She rode very contently in the cart eating and dropping a trail of Cheerios all across the store. I then made the messy mistake of letting her play with the box in the car. My backseat is now covered in Cheerios. Rachael says that she should be the next Cheerios spokeswoman.


Colin Parr said...

cute pics!

Miss Mommy said...

At least I'm not the only one who makes those kinds of decisions!!

Rach said...

Fun times! I love her expressions in the first and last pictures.